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This is Youth Revival NZ - Please explore and get involved in anyway you can!

Up Coming Events...

Next Youth Revival Night:

More Details on our Instagram Page

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Main Details:

  • 8 Weeks course every Tuesday Evening & 1 Saturday

  • Starting on the 25th of February

  • Food & Drinks available

  • Free of charge

  • Discussion based course, no test/exams.

  • Online Option available for those outside of Auckland

  • No experience needed

  • Please register to sign up (takes only a minute)


What is Alpha?

Why Do We Do Alpha?

Our goal as Youth Revival for doing Alpha is

1. We want our youth and young adults to become more comfortable with speaking about their beliefs as a Christian with others around them.

2. We want our young people to feel more grounded on their foundational beliefs by asking the big questions like, "Why do we need Jesus?", "Why should we want a relationship with God?", or "What is the Trinity?", etc.

We believe that Alpha is a great proven-to-work resource, that allows for a safe place to discuss this hard-questioned topics about our Christian faith.

It creates a platform for our young ones to actually take the time to engage and meditate on these tough questions, so they don't just grow up in church just being 'by standers', but actually grow a desire to go closer to God through Jesus, by the power of The Holy Spirit.

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